Adolfo Dominguez: flow, live the fiction you want to be

Close your eyes. Listen to your inner voice. Feel how your existence proliferates. Your life multiplies. Flowing. Open your eyes. Your identity does not exist. No label can define you. You are no one anymore. You’re everything. You are no longer who you are supposed to be, you are and will be only who you want to be.

Flowing freely is accepting what life gives us. Flowing freely is letting go. Do not let a label paralyze your existence. Let things happen. Accept the flow to go where you want to be.

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New collection by Adolfo Domínguez. 18 models. 12 men’s. 6 of women’s. A collection with strength. Empowered. Willing to erase the labels that limit us without giving up its purest essence. Infinite, flexible. It flows between lives creating unique universes in every gaze.

For her. Fronts are intensified with powerful angles and thicknesses that stand out over everything. Elegant modernity. Fine metals in rose gold are combined with specters of greyish bases. Chromatic diversity. For him. Square and polygonal shapes dominate. Simplicity loaded with strength. Rectilinear front tops combine with the Top Narrow concept and contrast with the inner sections that lighten its profile.

Nature flows. It makes you flow in its path. The chromatic palette in the natural elements that flow and influence our existence. Gray, brown and blue present their softer version. Pastel colors. A smooth and calm trend for women. For men, shades inspired by the vast ocean. Deep and intense blue and gray to which mustards and garnets are added. A rich color contrast that, in addition to structures and materials, creates an infinite universe of existences and paths through which to flow.

What you used to consider as your unique and authentic life, is really and solely, a fiction among many others. Flow. Live the fiction you want to be.

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